Explore the revolutionary fusion of FinTech and telecommunications, redefining the future of finance. In an era where settling bills can be as intuitive as sending an SMS, the convergence is not just about user convenience. It’s about reshaping our entire relationship with finance, pushing boundaries with cutting-edge technology, and ensuring impeccable user experiences through rigorous Quality Assurance. Dive into the drivers, innovations, and how iLAB champions the FinTech vision for tomorrow’s success.
Industry Trends Articles
iLAB’s Successful Public Sector IT Modernization Project
When a public retirement agency that managed billions of dollars in assets needed to replace its outdated legacy system, it turned to iLAB for help. The challenges were numerous: bad historical data, a testing team with no standardized processes or documented test...
Why Relying on Happy Path Software Testing Will Make Your Organization Sad
Happy Path Testing verifies system functionality without including exceptions, unexpected inputs, or user error. It assumes a test’s expected inputs will lead to its expected results. Happy Path Testing does not simulate real-word conditions, it only considers best...
Seasons May Change but the Need for Top-Notch Testing Doesn’t – iLAB’s 2022 Software Quality Assurance and Testing Trends
Much like the seasons, trends come and go each year with semi-predictable regularity. Whether itbe avocado toast, Calvin Klein jeans, or the pet rock, something new and different sweeps throughto catch the interest of the populace. Trends don’t only occur in popular...
Don’t Hope for the Best, Have No Doubt and Let iLAB Prepare Your Eligibility Systems to Withstand Any Storm
Hurricane Ian’s recent ravaging of parts of Florida was a good reminder of the importance of preparedness. Florida residents who shuttered and sandbagged their homes, stocked up on supplies, or heeded warnings to leave fared much better than those who simply...
Don’t Get Caught in the COTS Trap! Let iLAB Drive Your COTS Testing!
Your public sector organization just invested a large chunk of change into a COTS system with all the bells and whistles. It seems bright and shiny like a brand-new Cadillac just driven off the showroom floor. Pricy, but worth it your leadership...
Software Development Isn’t an Assembly Line
When we think about efficiency and productivity in the world of business, it’s easy to use the concept of an assembly line for a point of reference. Factories use this process to quickly build products and ensure that each one is identical in design. However, if...
Part B News Asks iLAB CEO About Mobile Healthcare Security
Mobile devices have become essential tools to daily life, even in the delivery of healthcare. At the same time, tablets and smartphones in the clinical environment represent security risks to protected health information and HIPAA compliance. In this article from Roy...
When Agile Meets the Bare Minimum
After software has been developed you might find that the system works great for the most part, but maybe there is one feature or journey that isn’t quite working as you want it to. Maybe you’ve got a legacy system that seems to be glitching more and more after...
Three IT Strategy Tips to Follow Before 2020
2019 is a pivotal time to determine and allocate spending for your systems and information technology needs. With a new decade starting soon, where do you plan to grow or make improvements? What is already working? And what unseen opportunities are there to make your...
SAP Quality Assurance: One Place Automation is Worth It
Automation is one shiny toy everyone in the technology industry is mesmerized with. From processes to hardware, we want automation to do our work for us. Someone is probably already working on automation that will help us plan more automation. But the hard fact is not...
Here’s Why You Probably Don’t Need Agile
When it comes to buzzwords in the world of software development, none have become more ubiquitous than Agile workflow. In an effort to stay ahead of the curve many companies have adopted the high-pressure approach of code sprints and simultaneous development, testing,...