iLAB’s collaboration with Citizens Energy Group delves deep into the world of Esri automation. From understanding Esri’s unique challenges to implementing UFT One and gearing up for Regression Testing automation, our partnership is a testament to innovation, dedication, and mutual growth.
Consulting Articles
From Consultation to Collaboration: iLAB’s Transformative Partnership with Citizens Energy Group on Esri Integration
iLAB’s collaboration with Citizens Energy Group transcended traditional goals, blending innovation with excellence. From the ESRI Enterprise upgrade to introducing JIRA with Xray and leading UAT efforts, join us in exploring this transformative journey and the strategies that paved the way for deeper collaboration.
iLAB’s Pioneering Role in the State of Indiana’s BMV e-Lien Implementation
Delve into iLAB’s instrumental role in revolutionizing Indiana’s BMV processes with the e-Lien system. From challenges to innovations, journey with us as we highlight our commitment to technological advancements and unparalleled quality assurance in the world of vehicle liens.
Enhancing Quality with Secretaries of State: iLAB’s Expertise Delivering Quality Assurance and Testing Services in Government Contracts
iLAB stands out as the perfect choice when your agency seeks an infusion of quality to enhance its performance. With a proven track record of delivering quality assurance and testing services for government contracts and successful collaborations with Secretary of...
iLAB’s Successful Public Sector IT Modernization Project
When a public retirement agency that managed billions of dollars in assets needed to replace its outdated legacy system, it turned to iLAB for help. The challenges were numerous: bad historical data, a testing team with no standardized processes or documented test...
Seasons May Change but the Need for Top-Notch Testing Doesn’t – iLAB’s 2022 Software Quality Assurance and Testing Trends
Much like the seasons, trends come and go each year with semi-predictable regularity. Whether itbe avocado toast, Calvin Klein jeans, or the pet rock, something new and different sweeps throughto catch the interest of the populace. Trends don’t only occur in popular...
Don’t Hope for the Best, Have No Doubt and Let iLAB Prepare Your Eligibility Systems to Withstand Any Storm
Hurricane Ian’s recent ravaging of parts of Florida was a good reminder of the importance of preparedness. Florida residents who shuttered and sandbagged their homes, stocked up on supplies, or heeded warnings to leave fared much better than those who simply...
Don’t Get Caught in the COTS Trap! Let iLAB Drive Your COTS Testing!
Your public sector organization just invested a large chunk of change into a COTS system with all the bells and whistles. It seems bright and shiny like a brand-new Cadillac just driven off the showroom floor. Pricy, but worth it your leadership...